Amiga Plus 1995 #5 & #6
Amiga Plus CD - 1995 - No. 5 and 6.iso
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447 lines
# original Amiga Netrek port: Randell Jesup (jesup@scala.scala.com ???)
# original DNetrek author: mehlhaff@ocf.berkeley.edu
# changes(including Paradise port) starting 11/93 by Joe Rumsey
# Converted "back" to AmiTCP August '95 (long after my Amiga was
# supposedly retired ;-)
# I suspect many of the comments are misleading, meaningless, or just
# plain wrong, but for the most part this is the best Amiga specific
# documentation there is :-/
# ogre@netcom.com
# "Ogre"
# Ogre's .paradiserc
# Specify this file with:
# netrek -r <path/filename>
# if not specified, the Amiga version searches for (in this order):
# <current directory>/
# .paradiserc
# .xtrekrc
# <Path found in HOME env. var, "netrek:" if HOME does not exist>
# .paradiserc
# .xtrekrc
#miscellaneous toggles
# 0=none, 1=time of day, 2=time on server, 3=time in ship, 4=user set time
timerType: 1
# put enemy on left with sorted playerlist
robsort: on
# show dead players in playerlist
showDead: on
# sort outfitting ('--') players to bottom
sortOutfitting: on
# show pre-login players
showPreLogins: on
# replace 0.00 with " " when acceptable (paradise servers)
hideNoKills: on
showStars: off
warpStreaks: off
# use rainbow dashboard in paradise
# 0=old dashboard, 1=new dashboard, 2=color dashboard, 3=rainbow dashboard
Dashboard: 2
# use hull warning dots
warnHull: off
# replace ?? cloaker symbol with ><
cloakChars: ><
showShields: on
showStats: off
reportKills: off
showMySpeed: on
# vary color of shields with damage
varyShields: on
keepPeace: on
galacticFrequent: on
showTractorPressor: on
showAllTractorPressor: on
namemode: off
showgrid: on
viewBox: off
sectorNums: on
sortPlayers: on
messageWarp: off
#logging: on
#logMessage: on
#logfile: netrek:message.log
showGalactic: 1
showGalacticSequence: 14
showLocal: 1
showLocalSequence: 13
extraalertborder: on
# lock : 0=don't show 1=galactic only 2=tactical only 3=both
showLock: 3
lockline: off
# Should the server "ping" us?
netStats: off
# Use UDP?
tryUdp: off
# udpClientSend: 0=TCP only 1=simple UDP 2=enforced UDP (state only)
# 3=enforced UDP (state & weap)
udpClientSend: 1
# udpClientReceive: 0=TCP only 1=simple UDP 2=fat UDP 3=double UDP
udpClientReceive: 1
udpSequenceCheck: on
# udpDebug: 0 = OFF 1 = ON (conect msgs only) 2 = ON (verbose output)
udpDebug: 2
#udpUpdates: 5
# Try short packets by default?
tryShort: on
# phaser window
# 0 = don't show 1 = show on kill window 2 = show on phaser window
# 3 = show on total review window only
showPhaser: 2
phaserStats: on
#use a small font. tracers is my favorite, it's available on AmiNet.
# not sure about the copyright, or I would include it with the client.
font: netrek.font
fontsize: 6
boldfont: tracers_bold.font
boldfontsize: 6
italicfont: tracers.font
italicfontsize: 6
underline: off
#bigfont: StarTrek.font
#bigfontsize: 28
bigfont: Times.font
bigfontsize: 24
#If you know the exact mode id, use this! Otherwise, you can use the
#older screen.mode: entry described below
#screen.modeid: <MODE_ID> # must be in hex, and must have '0x' at the front.
screen.modeid: 0x29004
#screen.mode: vga hires lace
# screen.mode should follow one of these formats:
# (pal|ntsc) (hires|super|lores) (lace|nolace)
# (vga) (hires|productivity|lores) (lace|nolace)
# (a2024) (10hz|15hz)
# A2024 support is left over from the original release, and
# I may have screwed something up. If you have one, let me
# know if it works!
# the default screen is pal hires lace, which seems to be the best.
# also nice is "vga productivity lace" which if you reposition
# your windows will let you have full size map and tactical windows
# on screen at once (put one right below the other)
# all modes use the standard overscan setting from preferences.
# The defaults:
screen.mode: pal hires lace
#screen.geometry: 1300x800
# Here I start messing around with window placement.
# For *all* of the windows listed, you can specify if you want them mapped,
# their geometry, and their parent.
# When specifying geometry for text (and scrolling) windows, specify
# in terms of characters wide and high. Specify size of a menu only
# at your own risk (there is no real benefit to doing this).
# You can now also set the following to on or off:
# border |Turn off to replace intuition border with a custom one,
# | with the right color.
# title |These 4 default to on.
# depth |
# drag |
# nogadgets -- turns all of the above off.
# backdrop -- the window is always behind other windows.
# sizing -- only allowed for scrolling(message) windows defaults to off.
# refresh -- makes the window a smart refresh, also only for scrolling windows.
# don't use smart refresh if you are low on memory!
# workbench -- put this window on the workbench!
# I've made a second file, .xtrekwindowsrc which holds window defs, and
# which can be written from the game by typing ctrl-a then 'X'. If that
# file is #include'd from this one, you will be able to change your
# setup and have it remembered the next time you play.
# The next line will make ALL windows open on the workbench. Colors
# probably won't look very good, but you can fiddle with the settings
# in this file and workbench preferences and get it right if you decide
# you actually like playing that way. It should also help if you have
# memory problems.
useWorkbench: off
#turn bitmapscale off if you still want the windows resized to fit,
#but want full size shapes.
#bitmapscale: off
#set the iff brushes for cursors (prefs pointers are the same format!)
#the arrow cursor just uses intuition's default.
cursor.cross: netrek:graphics/arrowcross
#cursor.cross: netrek:graphics/trek
# Get "config mode" by pressing ctrl-a (for amiga :)
# at any time. while in this mode, the following keys toggle window attributes:
# a - bAckdrop window
# d - Drag bar
# t - Title bar (NOT the same as drag bar!)
# g - depth Gadget
# b - Border
# s - Size gadget (message windows ONLY)
# r - smart Refresh (faster refresh, but eats memory)
# w - use Workbench for this window.
# X - save new config and eXit config mode.
# any other key exits config mode AND passes that key along as if
# you were not in config mode.
# note: one of the autopoint settings is HIGHLY recommended for config mode,
# and good in general. X-windows always has autopoint.
#autopoint: 0=none, 1=just redirect input, no activation,
#2=activate window on input, 3=full autopoint
autoPoint: 2
#newPlist: on
#'K' cycles through the formats, separated by commas. an empty format
# uses the 2 column list instead.
playerlist: nKTNSODrdWLRHkl,nKTrdWLRHkl,nTKNOrBPMl,
playerlist: nKTNSODrdWLRHkl
#playerlist: nKTNSODrHl,nKTRNkPBdl,nKTNSWLrHkl
#show both personal and team msgs.
review_team.allow: IT
review.allow: ATIPM
review.mapped: off
review_phaser.allow: P
#include "netrek:.macros"
singlemacro: ^f
singlemacro: \
#include "netrek:.servers"
#include "netrek:.sounds"
autoQuit: 999
screen.geometry: 1200x770
infoIcon: on
defaultShip: SC
logphasermissed: off
# 3 bytes for each color. on pre-AGA machines, only the low
# 4 bits of each byte matter. Ie #ffaaaa = #0f0a0a
# for AGA, the whole byte *might* be signifigant. I have no
# info on 3.0. :(
# format:
# color.<name>: #rrggbb
color.black: #000000
color.white: #ffffff
#color.red: #ff0000
#color.green: #00ff00
#color.yellow: #ffdd88
#color.cyan: #00ddff
#color.grey: #00aa00
#color.blue: #006600
# like hitting '=' every time you enter
askforupdate: off
askforupdate.paradise: off
jubileephasers: on
#include "netrek:.xtrekwindowsrc"
# putting window settings AFTER the above include will over-ride auto saved settings:
tstat.size: 498x25
#tstat.backdrop: on
message.size: 481x6
warn.size: 480x8
player.size: 110x22
resizePlayerList: on
review_team.size: 80x9
review_all.size: 80x6
review_phaser.size: off
review.mapped: off
local.size: 468x468
map.geometry: 450x450+468+0
local.geometry.paradise: 425x425+0+0
map.geometry.paradise: 400x400+425+0
#local.geometry.hydra: 400x400+0+0
#map.geometry.hydra: 400x400+400+0
#MetaServer List.workbench: on
MetaServer List.geometry: +0+10
#Motd.workbench: on
wait_icon.workbench: on
wait_icon.geometry: 150x25+360+15
# 1 - text 2 - standard 3 - max 4 - video
#according to C=, max overscan is "as much as possible"
#and video overscan is "even more than is possible" ;-)
#On my system, the system thinks video overscan displays
#736x566 for pal hires interlaced, but I can actually only
#see about 725x550. Whether this is a fault of the monitor's,
#the graphics hardware, or the OS, I'm not sure.
screen.overscan: 1
metaFork: off
recordGame: off
recordFile.worm: ram:worm.rec
recordFile.bang: ram:bang.rec
recordFile: ram:netrek.record
recordFile.paradise: ram:paradise.record
maxRecord: 1000000
scrollBeep: off
# *** playback settings ***
local.geometry.playback: 500x500+0+0
map.geometry.playback: 500x500+500+0
shipbitmappath.playback: 2:para/graphics/mine
screen.depth.playback: 4
bitmappath.playback: netrek:graphics/colorbitmaps
speech.playback: off
sound.playback: off
scalebitmaps.playback: off
paletteFile.playback: 2:netrek/graphics/color/race0.iff
animpointers.playback: off
# *** 4 color settings ***
#screen.depth: 2
#screen.overscan: 1
#shipbitmappath: netrek:graphics/mine
#bitmappath: netrek:graphics/colorbits8
#paletteFile: netrek:palette.4col
# *** 8 color settings ***
screen.depth: 3
screen.overscan: 1
shipbitmappath: netrek:graphics/colorbits8
bitmappath: netrek:graphics/colorbits8
scalebitmaps: off
paletteFile: netrek:graphics/palette.iff
# *** 16 color settings ***
#screen.depth: 4
#screen.overscan: 1
#shipbitmappath: 2:netrek/graphics/colorshipbitmaps
#bitmappath: 2:netrek/graphics/colorbitmaps
#paletteFile: 2:netrek/graphics/color/race0.iff
#speech.playback: off
#sound.playback: off
####include "netrek:.paradisesaverc"
#saveFileName: netrek:.paradisesaverc
godToAllOnKills: off
useDisplayBeep: off
useWaitTOF: 1
redrawDelay: 0
autoZoom: 1
autoUnZoom: 1
animateTorps: off
monobitmaps: off
monoPlanets: on
packetLights: off
showIND: on
showIND.paradise: off
statString: dASF
localShipStats: off
localStatsX: 25
localStatsY: 450
statHeight: 400
#screen.geometry.dog: 1150x800
#local.geometry.dog: 500x500+0+0
#map.geometry.dog: 500x500+500+0
message.geometry.dog: +0+492
#tstat.geometry.dog: +0+500
#review_your.geometry.dog: 80x6+0+526
#review_your.allow.dog: ITA
#review_all.geometry.dog: 80x20+500+500
#review_all.allow.dog: TA
#review_team.mapped.dog: off
#review_team.geometry.dog: 80x4+700
#review_kill.geometry.dog: 80x4+500+776
#review_phaser.geometry.dog: 80x20+0+568
#player.geometry.dog: +500+620
#MarsMessages.dog: on
#scalebitmaps.dog: off
showind.dog: off
monobitmaps.dog: on
#localShipStats.dog: off
sortplayers.dog: off
enemyPhasers: 5
#include "netrek:.paradisesaverc"
tryshort: on
local.geometry: 500x500+0+0
map.geometry: 430x430+501+0
#keymap: w4e7r%tTowaiAIdtgDjeLlvynr/F d
pigself: on
showstars: off
dontloadcolor: off